• A person who can jump, run, every well especially one who take part in any sports.
An athlete:athlete is a person who take part in competition in any sports that involve physical strength, speed or endurance.
Athlete have particularly well developed physiques obtain by extensive physical training & strict exercise companied by a strict dietary regimen. 

Athlete definition is a person, trained or gifted in exercises, or contests involving physical ability, a participate in sports, exercise, game, requiring physical skills. 


1520 to 1530 Latin word has been taken athlete - Greek athletees, equivalent to athlete + test suffix of agency. 


Game is a form of structure, sports or play. It has been taken for entertainment, funand some  As an educational  part of entertainment for children playing, who is Part of their audience and who is their key component are challenged in, poal, role, challenge and interaction


Physical games or activities that you do for exercise or because you enjoy it. 

Sports include all forms of competition physical activity which through organised participation aim to use maintain, improve physical ability and still which providing entertainment to participate, & in some cases spectators. 
Hundreds of sports exist, from those requiring only two participants. Through to those with hundred of simultaneous participants, either in teams as individual
Sports is generally recognized as activities of which are based in physical athleteticism or physically dentersity, with the largest majors competition such as Olympic game admitting only. 
Sports meeting this definitions, and other organisation, such as counciling Europe using definition participating activities, thouse a physical elements from classification as sports. 


Physical education makes you fit & health, physical education contribute youg physical activity levels
purpose of this study was to assess activity levels during high school physical education. 
Consider in relation to recommended levels of physical education can be effective level in  helping young people meet health related goal. 
Percentage lession  Spent in moderate vigorous & Vigorous intensity physical activity were recommended. High ability students were more active than average of 
Regular physical activity participation through out childhood provides immediate health benefits, by positive effective body composition & muscular skeletons development. Physical activity guidance for children & youth have been developed health education. 


  • Physical fitness

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physical fitness is state of health & well being this focus occupation, sport, we could not live without will refresh mind


A person who can jump, run, every well especially one who take part in any sports.  An athlete:athlete is a person who take part in com...